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The Largest Warship And First Nuclear-Powered Carrier

Construction & Engineering

In Newport VA, on September 24, 1960 the USS Enterprise (CVN 65) was christened by when Mrs. William B. Franke, wife of the former Secretary of the Navy, as the largest warship ever built and the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

The ship is the eighth ship and the second aircraft carrier to be called Enterprise. At 1,123 feet long and 250 feet high the ship is both the longest and tallest warship ever built. With a top speed over 30 knots it is also the fastest carrier in the US fleet. Weighing in at 90,000 tonnes the Big E (as the ship is known) is home to over 5,000 officers and crewmembers.

Since being commissioned in 1961 and its maiden voyage on January 12, 1962 the Enterprise has been involved almost every major US Navy operation since.

Source: United States Navy

Posted:  2002-03-21  9:52:14 AM

This fact has been viewed 24179 times.


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